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  • Beta Reading
  • Editing
  • Fiction Writing
  • Information Technology
  • Language Translation
  • Portuguese Translation
  • Writing


  • Translator and proof reader

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I've been working as a freelancer translating abstracts for college professors and doing transcripts of audiobooks, and then traslating it to portuguese (and vice-versa). I also work as a beta reader...

    Beta ReadingEditingFiction WritingInformation TechnologyLanguage Translation


I will proof read, translate or beta any text you need.

I've been working as a freelancer for the last few months, translating abstracts for college professors.

I work as a proof reader and beta reader for half a dozen writers of non-profit fiction, as a volunteer, having proof read over hundreds of thousands of words.

I've also done a few jobs of transcripting, translating and then dubbing audiobooks.

Work Terms

I have mostly a free schedule except on mondays and tuesdays. For any transcript job, my fee is 2usd per minute, translations may vary depending of the level of the text, but the basic level is 15 USD per 1000 words.