Practical spirituality, single parenting, and gardening for sanity's sake
Words are elements, and language is alchemy. Personality in writing is what makes articles shine. Having a great vocabulary and mad editing skills certainly help, but to get your reader invested in what they're reading, a writer has to know how to reach across the data stream and deliver information in such a way that feels both vital and personal. Nuance is compelling. Conscision is sexy. My central goal as a writer is to alchemize words into rich textures and subtle tones, delivering truth and knowledge in such a way that it sticks inside the reader's mind and takes root there.
I have a fine art and creative writing college background, as well as several years' work experience in the floral design and gardening industry. I'm also a single parent who knows all to well the ups and downs of raising a kid in this often mad world. More than anything, I am a lifelong student of mystical traditions from around the world, including but not limited to zen buddhism, shamanism, Hinduism, gnosticism, and wicca. All of these skills and traits cooperate to make me a curious, deep-thinking, perceptive person who walks the line between agnostic irreverence and self-reflective, pantheistic reverence.
Work Terms
Evening hours preferred, including weekends. Email preferred.