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  • Email Marketing
  • Landing Page Design
  • Marketing
  • Research
  • Survey Design


  • Online Customer Segmentation Survey

    $125/hr Starting at $2K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Stop Wasting Time and Money on Digital Marketing and Advertising That Doesn't Work.  Stop Guessing What Offers Will Work In Your Market & Start Knowing. Let The Market Tell You What To Sell & How to Position...

    Email MarketingLanding Page DesignMarketingResearchSurvey Design


Direct Response Digital Marketing Manager | Sales Funnel Expert

Hi, I’m Jordan Cadrin,

I’m a direct response digital marketing specialist & sales funnel expert that lives near Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada.

I’ve been in the digital marketing industry for about 10 years now. I typically work with brands that sell directly to consumers (DTC) online, to create optimal online customer journeys that facilitate minimal customer acquisition costs and maximize customer lifetime value.

I have a Digital Marketing Diploma from McMaster University and a Marketing Management Diploma from the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT).

I Have 2 Primary Skillsets:

Online Customer Acquisition & Lead Generation - getting initial sales from new customers as cost-effectively as possible via the internet.

& Customer Journey Optimization - using automated marketing funnels and email automation to optimize customer journeys in a way that maximizes average order values (AOV), the frequency of purchases, and customer lifetime value (LTV).

My overall approach to digital marketing is modelled after the strategies and tactics routinely leveraged by the most successful brands selling directly to consumers online. The top brands in the eCommerce and information product spheres.

I model these top-performing brands because the strategies and tactics they commonly routinely leverage are simply proven to be effective at increasing the profitability of customers acquired online, and thus the profitability of digital marketing overall.

They leverage direct-response digital marketing campaigns in tandem with automated marketing funnels and automated email sequences to optimize the online customer journey in a way that maximizes profits by minimizing customer acquisition costs and maximizing the average value of orders and the frequency of orders.

By working with me you can leverage those same strategies & tactics.

Reach out & send me an informal message if you have a potential opportunity to work together, or want to talk shop.
