Human Body Programmer
I'm a Biomedical Engineering, specializing in Biomedical Signal and Image processing. I know pre-processing and processing different biomedical signals such as EKG, EMG, and EEG in Matlab and Python. I also use Machine Learning and Deep Learning technics for medical purposes by using SciKit-Learn, TensorFlow, and Keras in Python.
I have published articles related to Glaucoma detection by a novel algorithm and A deep Analysis of ECG and EEG in women victims of gender violence. Also, I have been a member of several groups of investigations dedicated to the analysis of all kinds of signals and images through all kinds of approaches.
Work Terms
Biomedical Signal, Biomedical Image, Bio Signals, ECG, EMG, EEG, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, CNN, MLP, Seizures, Sleep, Movement intention, Functional Connectivity, Fibrillation, Matlab, Signal Acquisition, among others.
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