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  • Editing
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  • Proofreading
  • Article Writing
  • Book Writing
  • English Language
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  • Manuscripts
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  • APA Style
  • Book Editing
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  • Web Content

    $20/hr Starting at $40 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Web Content Much of the web content I write is through freelancer websites, and the clients more than often do not provide links to the websites where the articles appear. I am happy to email samples...

    cnmContent WritingCopywritingEditingEducational Materials
  • Book Editing

    $20/hr Starting at $250 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Book Editing: Individual Authors Editor, three books for Frederick Malphurs (fiction) Additional Books Edited: Miracle Moms, Larry and Belinda Wurn and Richard King (nonfiction, health related) Double...

    Amazon AWSBook EditingBook WritingCommunication SkillsContent Writing
  • Proofreading

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Proofreading is a very detail-oriented task that will assure your manuscript is free of errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. Proofreading does not include advice about content flow or reorganization...

    Content WritingEditingEnglish GrammarEnglish PunctuationEnglish Spelling
  • Article and Manuscript Editing

    $20/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Do you have an essay, article, thesis, dissertation or another piece of writing that needs a little help--or maybe a lot of help? I can provide either a pair of fresh eyes for that last reading before...

    APA StyleArticle WritingContent WritingEditingEssay Writing
  • Reviews

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    “I really like your article. It presents some new ways for middle class families to save money. It was a pleasure working with you. BTW, I like the sample article on franchises that you sent. Is it copyrighted?”...

    Article WritingBook WritingCopy and PasteEditingEnglish Language


I've been producing and perfecting written pieces of all kinds for 30 years. Whether it's a book, a thesis, web content or a blog article, I deliver your project on time.

I have wanted to be a writer since I learned to read. To that end, I majored in English literature with minors in drama and education. My earliest jobs included proofreader and advertising copywriter. I continued to use these job skills as I moved on to writer/editor for an educational software developer (Sunburst Communications) and then as writer/editor for Novel Units, which produces hundreds of teacher's guides for various literature titles. (These are basically lesson plans that include study guides, quizzes, vocabulary and so forth--a time-saving teaching unit.) When that company sold to a bigger publisher, I became totally freelance. I continued to write literature guides for other companies as well as a book for high school students called "Creative Writing." I wrote a book called "Success Without College: Careers in Cosmetology" for Barron's Educational Series. For Amsco School Publications, I wrote a number of test preparation books in the ELA field, a four-grade series of literature textbooks, and a vocabulary review book. My "English Language Arts Review" book was used in a wide range of grades--from 6th grade gifted to college remedial. When Amsco sold to a larger publisher, I wrote stories and lesson plans for Time for Kids magazine, wrote and edited online courses for Barnes and Noble Open University, and began to move further into content writing with marketing copy, articles for websites and blogs, and other online courses. I researched and wrote two Newspapers in Education supplements, one on drug and alcohol abuse and the other on tobacco cessation. (Links to PDFs are on my website.) I have also enjoyed editing dozens of books for first-time and long-time authors.

Work Terms

I will provide accurate quotes for an entire project if given adequate information about what the project will entail. I am available to work 7 days a week. I prefer to communicate by email or phone. I accept Paypal or checks. I have been known to stay up all night to complete urgent projects. I believe deadlines should be met. My fees are negotiable, and I am happy to discuss these with you.

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