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  • Prior art search for Patent appplication

    $8/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    1. Prior art search is one of the most critical aspect of patent filing. If an invention is already anticipated based on published prior art, getting a patent for the same will be very difficult and not...

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  • Market Research for your patent

    $8/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Market analysis of a patented invention has two advantages. 1. It tells the inventor the most suitable markets for the invention so that he/she can reap the maximum benefits of patented invention by commercializing...

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a Patent Agent with Indian Patent Office

I am a PhD student in biological sciences and a registered patent agent with the Indian Patent office. I have expertise in writing research grants, research and review articles. I am also a qualified patent agent with good understanding of Indian patent law, patent drafting, prior art search etc.