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Total Feedback Received: 1


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    Our experience working with Rapidsoft was a good one. The service was personable and reliable even with the time difference and distance between us. They honored their word in development of our site as well as met all time agreements.

    Hang Proud

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    I have worked with Rapidsoft on many projects, large and small, over the past two years. I have witnessed the evolution and growth of Rapidsoft from a smaller development house, to a much larger mobile-focused powerhouse.

    Zthink LLC

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    Having worked with Rapidsoft on multiple mobile application development projects, I would like to formally recognize the consistent level of quality and dedication delivered by the Rapidsoft team. All projects are handled efficiently, transparently and deliverables supplied timeously without fail. I

    would highly recommend Rapidsoft for any mobile app development projects and look forward to working with them again in the near future.

     ...Read More

    Rate n Date

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    We have lots of ideas for applications that we would like to turn into reality - fast. Rapidsoft never failed to meet our high expectations.


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    Thanks a lot Rapidsoft team for relentless round-the-clock support for this project. I am sure we are going for a long association....we found the right partner for us.

    McKinsey & Company