Order-Taking to Order-Making
Extensive onshore and offshore BPO and US retail unit success, real experience growing small to medium-size business ventures. With valuable additional experience living and working in the Philippines and India, I am available for significant offshore travel to complete projects that require confident Americanized supervision and leadership. Also adept with Filipino and Indian management styles.
Management philosophy – Hands-on leadership moving managers “out of their offices” and into their employee cubicles directly involving as many as 1,200+ full-time equivalent staff (FTE).
Willamette University, Atkinson Graduate School of Management – Salem, Oregon. MBA. Major, Organizational Behavior. Willamette Industries, Inc. Leadership Internship, Computer Paper Division.
Boise State University, College of Business and Economics – Boise, Idaho. BBA. Majors, Finance and Economics. ASBSU Student Body Vice President.
Hopkins, Robert. “Every Customer Touch is a Sales Opportunity: Convert Your Customer Care to Sales Care.” The Journal of SOCAP International 11.1 (April, 2006): 8-11. Print. SOCAP (Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business).
The 4 Disciplines of Execution Project Management System – Franklin Covey
Straight Line Sales System – Jordan Belfort
United States citizen, Filipino-American. Have lived, not just worked, overseas in the Philippines and India.
Work Terms
Offshore Rate - $95/hour @ 40 hours/week to 12 week minimum, monthly thereafter with option to renew for another 12 weeks. We will handle travel and housing to the worksite. All materials created for the benefit of the client will be transferred to the client.
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