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  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Digital Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Email Services
  • Landing Page Design
  • Link Building
  • Marketing
  • Templates
  • Web Analytics


  • Marketing Automation Welcome Campaign

    $100/hr Starting at $4K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    With a Marketing Automation Welcome Campaign Package, I'll create a personalized and automated onboarding experience for your customers, ensuring they feel valued from the moment they join your community...

    Conversion Rate OptimizationDigital MarketingEmail MarketingEmail ServicesLanding Page Design


3x Marketo Champ | Revvie Winner | Obsessed With Automation, Data, and Creating Awesome Customer Experiences

Extrovert, data nerd, and award-winning Digital Marketing Leader who thrives in understanding digital experience breakdowns, and then solving them with technology.

To accomplish this, I focus on building amazing teams, leveraging the tech stack for meaningful data, and tapping into human and industry feedback to ultimately create experiences that are engaging, efficient, and effective.

My certifications include being a Marketo Certified Expert, Google Data Analytics Certified, Google Analytics Advanced Certified, and a HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certified professional, with further education from Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia in Digital Marketing.

Throughout my career, I’ve been honored to receive a few honors and awards, including being a three-time Marketo Champion, a Marketo Revvie Award Winner, and a Killer Content Award Winner for Web Content Strategy.