Creating Intelligent Technology
At Tickto, we are motivated by the idea of creating intelligent technology that goes beyond the typical rigidity of computing. The ever-changing nature of human communication interests us and by including this attribute within our creation, we help businesses to receive real-time data about their choices and buying preference. Understanding your customers better is the key to success in business. We are resolute to make the job simpler than ever before.
The unique technology of Tickto empowers you with the in-depth understanding of your customers' purchasing behavior, whether they are online or offline. It is just not about dry, static data but receiving a 360-degree view of human communication, interaction. Tickto is all about creating intelligent technology, aimed at making a difference in the world. We welcome you to join the revolution!
We are humbled and excited to have attracted world-class gurus, technologists, creatives and non-conformists from all over the globe. We’re busy working really hard on everything from photonics and optics, to hardware, user interface design, content creation, software, electronics, audio, and much, much more. All to make magic real for you.
Founded: 2014