Communi-rate - Conclusive communication that conquers the challenges of your brexit-braved business and post-COVID culture
Newly formed venture - previously run under The Tender Tailor; now offering more 'universal' methods to communicate. A bit of bio:
The way we work has changed post COVID. Employees now enjoy the benefits of a ‘hybrid’ working culture. Whereas company owners strive to meet this challenge, often struggling to adapt to this work life-style change.
Some believe that COVID was ‘crowd control’. The consequence of COVID has reduced worker morale and caused an increase in head-health issues. We now see a workforce reluctant to return to work in an office environment on a full-time basis.
Brexit has also apportioned a setback.
With reduced investment and recession, companies now work hard to fill staff shortages with skilled workers. Rates have increased for the appointment of supply chain and service provision and additional work is needed to form Incoterms (international trade agreements).
An enriched communication culture is crucial.
And this ‘cultural change’ must be embedded across all working practices to embrace the change and conquer the challenge.
The challenge for employers today lies in how they evolve business practices to cope with change. Clearly communicated business practices that are adaptable to both the employee, employer and any contracted workforce.
Communi-rate embraces the challenges of a work life-style balance; hands-on bespoke improvements that aid:
1. A clearer communication culture; embedding values &culture core to the business, providing over-arching governance company-wide, future-proofing the business moving forward
2. Cost cutting by evolving internal processes and systems that drive efficiency through electronic technology communications, ecommerce and social media
3. Confidence coaching for those with reduced morale
4. Captivating publicity to increase market presence
5. Grant and bid applications for future funding; bid writing pre-qualification questionnaires
6. Drafting clear contracts for negotiations
Founded: 2022
Work Terms
Normal business hours but able to work over-time to suit pressured deadlines. A contract will be formed for each 'task' commissioned - invoiced and payable within 15 - 30 days dependant on the size, length and demands of the project (i.e. where expenses are required to work away - these may be reimbursable in advance)