Jeddah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
$25/hr · Starting at $25
Russia's prominent jailed opposition figure Alexei Navalny has lost an appeal against a nine-year prison term, but not before launching a scathing attack on the war in Ukraine. Condemning Vladimir Put…
$25/hr · Starting at $50
كشف براد بيت أنه يعاني من اضطراب نادر يسمى عمه التعرف على الوجوه ، مما يجعل من الصعب التعرف على وجوه الآخرين. وكشف النجم العالمي في مقابلته مع مجلة جي كيو ، تفاصيل وكيف يؤثر هذا الاضطراب على تعاملات
INSACOG, India’s genomics consortium, on Wednesday claimed that the samples detected in Mumbai, which is said to have the XE strain of Covid-19, do not suggest the presence of the variant after genomi…
jeddah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
$20/hr · Starting at $25
حذر الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة ، أنطونيو غوتيريش ، يوم الإثنين ، من أن العالم يخوض "صراع حياة أو موت" من أجل البقاء مع "فوضى المناخ قادمة" واتهم أغنى 20 دولة في العالم بالفشل في القيام بما يكفي منع ار…
رأت كبيرة الاقتصاديين في البنك الأوروبي لإعادة الإعمار والتنمية بياتا يافورشيك أن الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا يمثل صدمة اقتصادية تاريخية لهذا البلد، في مقابلة أجرتها معها وكالة فرانس برس. وتعليقا على نزوح
$10/hr · Starting at $25
A domain name identifies one or a lot of IP addresses. as an example, the name embodies a variety of IP addresses that are utilized in URLs to spot explicit sites. this might commonly be cre…
$6/hr · Starting at $25
بينما عانى الكثير من صناعة السيارات من التراجع بسبب نقص العرض لتلبية الطلب المكبوت ، فقد خالفت فورد الاتجاه. على الأقل ، من حيث أهداف المبيعات هذا العام حتى الآن. على مستوى الصناعة ، انخفضت مبيعات الس…
$6/hr · Starting at $27
Best known for playing Sandy in the popular musical "Grace," has died at the age of 73, her family has announced. Actress and musician Newton-John has achieved commercial success as a country singer a…
Russia accuses Ukraine of planning invasion of Moldova's breakaway region Russia has accused Ukraine of planning to invade Moldova's breakaway region of Transnistria. In a post on the Russian Ministr…
The Senate is unlikely to pass a ban on assault weapons despite growing calls for tougher gun laws in the wake of the Colorado Springs massacre, a top lawmaker said Sunday. Not enough senators support…
By Jessie Pang and James Pomfret HONG KONG (Reuters) - Pro-democracy Hong Kong tycoon Jimmy Lai was sentenced on Saturday to five years and nine months in prison for fraud, convicted of violating a le…
$15/hr · Starting at $25
Spy footage has revealed that Porsche is planning a series of updates for the Panamera, but the future may have something bigger in store for the sporty throwback. A new report from Autocar claims th…
The radio host Percival Mabasa was killed during an ambush, the police said. He had been a prominent critic of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and his predecessor, Rodrigo Duterte. MANILA — A news rad…
حددت الصين هدف نمو الناتج المحلي الإجمالي بنسبة 5٪ في عام 2023 ، كما قال رئيس الوزراء المنتهية ولايته في خطاب ألقاه أمام برلمان الحزب الحاكم - وهو هدف يقع في الحد الأدنى لتوقعات المحللين ويتبع رقم 202…
What if Stalingrad hadn't been named after Josef Stalin? If that city hadn't been identified with Adolf Hitler's arch-nemesis, then perhaps the fuhrer wouldn't have been quite as obsessed with capturi…
$30/hr · Starting at $25
A family in India has accused a doctor of performing a caesarean section on a pregnant woman three and a half months before her due date, and then stitching up the wound after realizing that the fetus…
After explosions ruptured the Nord Stream pipelines and set the Baltic Sea boiling with leaking methane gas, US and European officials were quick to blame Russia. Four months on, investigators are una…
$5/hr · Starting at $25
representative Adam Kinzinger, an Illinois Republican, mocked French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday for saying the West should avoid humiliating Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. Macron made th…
Turkey has canceled a planned visit by Sweden’s defense minister in response to the Nordic country’s issuing of permits for anti-Turkish protests STOCKHOLM -- Turkey on Saturday canceled a planned vi…
أدت احتجاجات تضمنت حرق المصحف في ستوكهولم، السبت، إلى تصاعد حدة التوتر بين السويد وتركيا في وقت تحتاج فيه الدولة الإسكندنافية إلى دعم أنقرة للانضمام إلى حلف شمال الأطلسي. وقالت وزارة الخارجية التركية